Volunteer at Mildura Baptist Church

"Even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve."

-  Mark 10:45

"Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus."

-  Philippians 2:4-5

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another,
as good stewards of God's varied grace."

-  1 Peter 4:10

Serving Others

As a church family we are called to serve others.
Good news! 
This page is full to the bottom of ways in which we can all do just that!
For our church community to function and minister well, we all need people who can contribute in a variety of ways on a
weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.  Thankfully, God has given each of us unique passions, skills, and gifts so that we can all contribute to His people in some way.

Excited to get stuck into serving God and your church family?  
Well then, read on!

If your explorations lead you to an area in which you can contribute, fill out the form and we will be in touch.

The Welcome Team

Helping those that attend to feel welcomed and included.

Morning Tea Team

Contributing to and Serving morning tea after our Sunday church gathering.

Hospitality Team

Helping to create some unique hospitality opportunities.

Music Team

Using your musical gifts to serve the church community.

Service Leading Team

Helping the Sunday Service flow by leading the congregation through the various elements of the weekly gathering.

Tech Team

Using technology to help create a smooth and engaging Sunday service.

Bible Reading Team

Reading a Bible passage during the Sunday Service.

Missions Team

Preparing and/or presenting a brief missions story.

Children's Talk Team

Presenting God's truths in a brief and engaging way as a part of our Sunday service.

Sunday School Team

Become a Sunday School teacher.

Creche Tream

Help out in the Creche Ministry.

Youth Group Team

Build relationships while influencing the next generation, and have fun doing it.

Communications Team

Help to publish the church newsletter

Cleaning Team

Ensuring the church building is clean and tidy each week.

Practical Service Team

Loving others by serving in practical ways

Welcome Team

Being on the welcome team is an opportunity to make sure every person that walks through the church doors is greeted and made to feel welcome, whether they are long time members, visitors or the newest member of the MBC family, you get to ensure the first face they see at church is a friendly welcoming one.


  • People who have a friendly disposition or a heart to welcome others before and after church.
  • Someone to lead the welcoming team.  This includes writing rosters, dreaming of how to improve our welcoming processes, contacting the volunteers, and liaising with the Church Leadership Team.


  • Arrive at church at 10am.
  • Check to see if any additional handouts are required.
  • Stand by the door greeting people as they enter, helping with the door and gate as necessary.
  • Telling people about church ministries as necessary.
  • Remain at the door until at least the end of the second song.
  • Return to the foyer at the end of the service to assist visitors or new people.
  • Follow up with any new people or visitors where possible.

Morning Tea Team

This is a chance to serve the MBC family by creating a welcoming environment after the service. By providing drinks and a snack, this team will help people feel welcomed to stay and chat, which encourages fellowship.


  • A team of people who wish to help people feel welcomed by providing refreshments after the church gathering.
  • Willingness to serve on a scheduled roster.


  • Prepare the morning tea for a particular week.
  • Provide and serve refreshments after the church service.
  • Help to prepare and serve hot drinks.

Hospitality Team

The hospitality team is a particular opportunity to work with a group of others to create unique food events.  These may be in connection with monthly church picnic lunches, but could also include other activities that provide a chance for the community to gather and get to know one another better.


  • People who are interested in food and culinary skills.
  • A keenness to create opportunities for others to experience a deeper community interaction.
  • A willingness to contribute to catering events.


  • Contributing to team discussions.
  • Helping out with special events that mainly center around food and meals.
  • Cooking a BBQ.
  • Setting/cleaning up event functions.


Music Team

This team gets to lead the church family in song, as we bring our focus to God and worship Him together through music.  Use your musical gifts to bring a joyful noise to the Lord.  All skill levels welcome!


  • People to help lead the music team.
  • People who can drum, strum, plink, plonk, shake, bow, blow, etc.
  • People who can stand on stage and help others to sing.


  • Liaise with service leader, preacher, and sound team.
  • Pick songs and help to organize the service.
  • Arrive at 9:30 am for practice.
  • Organise and encourage musicians.

  • Arrive at 9:30 am when scheduled to play.
  • Touch base with the team leader through the week.
  • Make a joyful noise with your musical skills and abilities.
  • Practice the songs when you are rostered to play/sing.

Service Leaders

This team is responsible for the first section of the weekly Sunday service.  Service leaders welcome the church, keep us informed, lead us in prayer, and help to create a worshipping environment for the church community that gathers week to week.


We are looking for people who are confident to talk in front of a group of people, who can coordinate with a number of other ministry teams and the preacher to kick off each Sunday service.


  • Arrive at church by 10:00 to liaise with the sound team, music team and preacher.
  • Speak from the front of the church to welcome the congregation, remind them of why they gather, as well as lead them in prayers, songs and notices.
  • During the week you will need to:
    • Speak with other leaders and the pastor about the content of the service.
    • Check email for notices and information.
    • Organize the components of the service - e.g. Bible Reading, Mission Spots, Children's Talks, etc.

Tech Team

The tech and sound team is essential to the running of our weekly service.  You will be helping people hear the Word of God, literally, by amplifying the sound and visuals so every member can clearly hear and see the service.  Also, this is an opporutnity to help connect isolated or sick members of the church family with service recordings.


  • People to help oversee the team by organising the rosters, setting up equipment, troubleshooting technical issues and liaising with service leaders.
  • People who have a design flair mixed with computer prowess who can put together engaging visual presentations week to week.
  • People to manage the song lyrics and visual aids.
  • People who can help to record and edit presentable copies of the Sunday sermons.

Leader Responsibilities

  • Liaise with service leader, preacher, and sound team.
  • Organise rosters and liaise with team members.
  • Understand how the tech systems work, both hardware and software.
  • Ensure team members are properly trained in their various roles.
  • Make sure everything is properly organized for each week's service.

Sound Responsibilities

  • Arrive at 9:30 to work with the music team.
  • Set up and manage the Sound system.
  • Able to hear and adjust sound balances using the mixing desk.
  • Touch base with the team leader through the week.
  • Record the weekly Sermon using the sound desk.

Computer Responsibilities

  • Arrive at 9:30 to work with the music team (or when required by the team leader).
  • Set up the PC and Cameras.
  • Touch base with the team leader through the week.
  • Record the Service using the Camera and computer.
  • Click through the song lyrics.

Bible Reading Team

Members of this roster will be willing to publicly read the Word of God to the congregation as part of the Sunday service.


A passage will be provided by the preacher of service leader prior to the Sunday Service.  When the time comes, read the selected passage with clarity and appropriate emphasis.


  • Serve on a roster.
  • Familiarize yourself with the selected reading.
  • Practice reading the passage aloud.
  • Give appropriate thought to pace, tone, emphasis, and pronunciation.
  • Be prepared to introduce yourself, the passage, and the version from which you will read.

Mission Spot Team

This is an opportunity to guide the church in learning about and praying for fellow Christians around the world.  Help the MBC church family support missionaries around the world by presenting short updates on the mission and leading us in prayer.


We need:
  • People who have a special interest and passion about the work of missions around the world.
  • Someone who is willing to organize and supervise the team.
  • People who are willing to prepare and present mission spots.
  • People who prefer to just read a provided missions update.


Team Leader
  • Organize a roster.
  • Direct team members to mission resources.
  • Prepare and present updates.

Team Members
  • Research, write, and present updates from various missionaries or mission groups.
  • Lead the Congregation in Prayer.

  • Read provided mission spot updates.

Children's Talk Team

A wonderful section of the service designed to engage the children with the church service, present the Bible in a way that is accessible to every MBC attendee, and provide an opportunity to learn and talk about Jesus together.


We need:
  • Someone to organize a roster and support the team.
  • People to plan and present children's talks.


Team Leader
  • Organize a roster of people who can present a children's talk.
  • Provide resources as needed.
Team Members
  • Prepare and present a 5-10 minute children's talk during the Sunday service.

Sunday School

This is an incredible opportunity to bless a big section of the MBC family.  You will be supporting godly parenting, by reinforcing, encouraging, and complementing the truths of the gospel learnt at home.  We get to teach that church is a fun, safe place whilst enabling them to develop relationships with other trusted Christian adults and children.  Finally, it provides a safe place for kids to have faith discussions outside of home.


  • 1-2 people to work with the church leadership to set the curriculum, organize the rosters, and support the teachers.
  • People to prepare and run the weekly Sunday School classes.


  • Setting the curriculum.
  • Making resources available to teachers.
  • supporting and encouraging the team.
  • Make sure any Working With Children guidelines are met.

  • Supply WWCC and undergo appropriate training.
  • Prepare the weekly lessons.
  • Lead and Teach the weekly lessons.
  • Show, share, and seek Jesus with our wonderful kids!




Similar to Sunday School, this is an opportunity to share Jesus with the younger children while teaching them that Church is a fun and safe space filled with people who love and support them.  Whilst you are doing that, you are providing the parents a chance to sit and listen to God's Word and bring their thoughts and hearts before Him.



We need:
  • Someone who can organize rosters, support the teachers, and set the tone of the creche ministry.
  • People prepared to run the weekly lessons and supervise the children.


Team Leader
  • Set curriculum and structure of the creche ministry.
  • Make resources available to teachers.
  • Support and Encourage the team.
  • Ensure Working With Children guidelines are met.

Team Members
  • Prepare and supervise the weekly sessions.
  • Interact and care for the young children.



Youth Group 

"Groundworx" is all about discipleship, which is a church way of saying befriending, supporting, and teaching our brilliant young people to start, or continue, trusting and growing in their relationship with God.   We hope that each one of them will grow to be faithful to Christ in all they do as they get older.  These activities provide a safe space to ask questions, develop relationships with Christian peers and build relationships with Christian adults who can help them seek Jesus in all things.


  • Work in a team.
  • Prepare and plan fortnightly activities.
  • Engage the youth with Bible studies.
  • Organize and play games alongside the youth.
  • Interact and build relationships with those that attend.
  • Be a positive role model and influence.
  • Bring a keen creativity and willing energy.

Communications Team

Keep the church family informed with the publication of a church newsletter.  This can be distributed on Sunday mornings and is a great way of sharing good news, prayer requests, upcoming events, and important information.


  • Reporters who can source and collate information ready to be published.
  • Designers who can prepare and print the newsletter.


  • Liaise with the church leadership and congregation for information and updates to be included in the newsletter.
  • Collate the necessary information into a printable format.
  • Design and present information appropriately.

Cleaning Team

Be a part of the team that does the important work of cleaning the church building so that worshipers feel welcome and safe.


  • People to organize the roster and equip the team.
  • People to clean the church.


Team Leaders
  • Organize the roster.
  • Ensure the team can access the church and cleaning supplies.

Team Members
  • Clean the church according to the team leader's guidelines.

Practical Serving Team

This is a new ministry opportunity that hasn't yet begun.  However, it would be wonderful to have a team of willing people ready to practically help and serve those in need.


We would need:
  • 1-2 people to serve as team leaders.
  • Others who would be willing to help and provide practical support when opportunities arise.


Team Leader:
  • Liaise with the church leadership for opportunities to help people with practical needs.
  • Be actively on the lookout for practical needs that people might have.
  • Organize team members to help those that have specific needs.

Team Members
  • Be prepared to help others in loving and practical ways.
  • Willing to give up some time or energy to serve those in need.